Licensing Opportunity
Our PCM-fortified liquid comfort technology becomes your market expanding opportunity
SoothSoft’s newest phase change intellectual property enhances most products, giving you an edge against your competition. We developed a licensable, disruptive cooling technology that adds a sensation of relaxation and rejuvenation, introducing a unique pleasure factor that creates added value.

Long before there were blue rectangular cooling pads or cooling pillows or mattress toppers, there was our invention, a liquid-cool memory foam soft personal cooling pad using no electricity but rather a patented non-toxic technology made here in the US. With over $60,000,000 in sales, we created the cooling blue rectangle market seen today.
An exploding pet category gave rise to our cooling therapeutic pet bed which is used in both homes and vet facilities.
Aside from pets, the pillow market alone garners $800 million annually – total bedding 34.2 billion.
But as lucrative as the sleep market is, there are even bigger pieces of the pie. Products and market segments that could use phase change material are all around us. No longer science fiction, some unique applications are coming to fruition at this very moment.
Sound too futuristic? Global warming and climate change isn’t futuristic, it is here now and it’s only going to get hotter.
We know there is an established personal cooling market as we helped advance that category. There is certainly more to be explored in that product space.
If you are interested in licensing a piece of out of this world cooling technology or simply wanting to control an entire galaxy of cool products, please contact us to learn more about how our portfolio can be profitable for you.

Global licenses available in all markets.
Other inquiries into collaboration relations, mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, technology transfer, cross licensing, research collaboration agreements, joint research and development arrangements are welcomed.